Interestingly, ketapang leaves even find a place in shrimps.
In some of the forums, I'm surpised to find the below comment:
" Recently I put some ketapang leaves into my CRS tank to lower the PH level. I was surprised to find CRS eaten the leaves. I have fed them spinach before but they have never touch them at all, . . .
. . . ketapang leaves help shrimp to recover faster and better after molting and my shrimp prefer ketapang leaves more than crab cuisine and mosura crs food ."
Taken from link: HERE
In some of the forums, I'm surpised to find the below comment:
" Recently I put some ketapang leaves into my CRS tank to lower the PH level. I was surprised to find CRS eaten the leaves. I have fed them spinach before but they have never touch them at all, . . .
. . . ketapang leaves help shrimp to recover faster and better after molting and my shrimp prefer ketapang leaves more than crab cuisine and mosura crs food ."
Taken from link: HERE
"The micro-organisms that act on the rotting process of the leaves is one of the natural food source for the shrimps. Shrimps can go without any other food for weeks if there are few pieces of the ketapang leaves in the tank. Besides that, the tannic acid released will help to improve the water conditions by slightly reducing the PH in the tank and stabilising the water parameters."
Taken from link: HERE
Most of the information presented in this blog are taken from the views of many fish/shrimp breeders & hobbyists, traders around the world.
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